
Take part in our exciting competition. We want to read your personal career success story or the story of someone who has inspired you. Tell us about something you have achieved that made you proud and happy. You can read such story told by Share your treasured experience or favorite tale of success. Inspire others the way you were inspired and earn a gift for yourself or someone you care about.
Your stories will be published in our blog to be shared with the world. You may invite your friends to support you by liking or sharing your story.
Three cash rewards will be awarded, one in the amount of 25 euro, one in the amount of 15 euro and one in the amount of 10 euro.
The three winners will be picked randomly from the ten stories that were liked and shared the most.
You can submit your entries by December 20th 2014, via e-mail to with your first name, family name and contact information.

Terms and conditions for participation in the fan promotion “Inspire and get inspired – share your success story” 

1.  General information

a)    From December 5, 2014, to December 20, 2014, is organizing a free fan competition called “Inspire and get inspired – Share your Success Story”. Stories submitted during that period will be judged by the fan community. From the top 10 stories that have collected most likes and shares, will select 3 winners.

b)    The best story wins prize of 25 euro. Prizes for second and third position are respectively 15 euro and 10 euro.

c)    To take part in the competition, it is necessary to send career success story, personal or of somebody else, to email

2.  Participation

a)    Any adult anywhere in the world World is entitled to take part in the competition. Minors are excluded from participating. If minors nonetheless wish to take part, they must explicitly confirm that they have permission from their parents or guardians.

b)    The personal data that is requested will be used solely for the purpose of running the competition. No personal data will be passed on to third parties. All data will only be kept for the purposes and duration of the competition, unless there is a legal requirement for it to be retained.

c)    The closing date for entries is  December 20, 2014. All designs will be entered which have been saved by 23:00 hrs (Central European Time) on the closing date, at the latest, will participate be part of the competition. Stories submitted after that time will not be reviewed. The participant is responsible for the accuracy of the contact details that are provided.

d)    A story will be published on as soon as it has been approved by team. Participants will be notified when their story has been published.

e)    A story may be rejected if, in’s judgment, they could cause offence or are deemed unsuitable for this competition, for example because they contain violent, criminal, religious, political, racist, sexist or exploitative material. There is no right of appeal. can reject designs without giving any reason.

f)    By entering the competition, the participant agrees that the story may be published on and in the profiles of in Facebook, Twitter, Gplus, Linkedin, Stumbleupon, together with the names provided with the entry.

3.  Rules and conditions

a)    By creating the design and agreeing to the terms and conditions for participation by creating a user profile, the user transfers all rights to the stories, in particular unlimited right of use, to

b)    The participant confirms that he/she is the author of the story.

c)    The participant also confirms that the story does not breach any applicable law and will not give rise to any other reason for objection. In particular, the participant confirms that the story does not include any pornographic, racist or otherwise offensive or illegal material and does not infringe any copyright or trademark rights.

4.  Prize

a)    The 3 winners will be sellcted among the 10 stories that have collected most likes and shares.

b)    The winners will be notified via email on December 22, 2014.

c)    The prize for first place is 25 euro, for second prize is 15 euro and for third place is 10 euro.

d)    If the winner cannot be informed in time that he/she has won, using the contact details provided, the prize will be forfeited.

5.  Other provisions 

a) reserves the right to eliminate exclude participants from the competition on the grounds of false data, manipulation or the use of any unauthorized resources.

b)    These terms and conditions for participation may be amended by at any time without prior notice.