
We are living in the era of networking and social media. What I have noticed is that people love to share photos of their food but are afraid to share their ideas and talents.

I have had various conversations with people who tell me they have a business idea but don’t have the resources to develop it. And they always ask me to keep it in secret. Then how will they find the resources needed? I understand they are afraid their ideas will be stollen by somebody with more knowledge or more money. If the idea is kept in secret, then the opportunity to find partners and sponsors is quite low.

Some months ago, I met a team of students who were trying to build their startup. They already had completed the first stage of the development but couldn’t continue because they didn’t have the money. Some of the members had quit the team to continue their regular job. The remaining members were already about to give up their dream.

Few days later, I met another team that was on the other side. They had the money but they didn’t have the skills and knowledge to develop their idea. Surprisingly, both business ideas were quite similar. I introduced both teams to each other and now they are working together. If they hadn’t shared their ideas,  they would have missed the opportunity to make them work.

Even if people have the knowledge and the money to complete their projects, sharing is still important. Talking with experts in differeant areas, talking with people who are potential clients provide various points of views and can generate new ideas that haven’t occurred to anyone from the team. Every month there are hundreds of events around the world that give people the opportunity to share their ideas and get valuable feedback and advices.

Another example of how sharing helped me get a job is related with my makeup career. I did a makeup course and told all my collegueas at work and friends about it. I wasn’t even looking for a job when one day a friend asked me if I could be the make-up artist at a make-up event for famous cosmetics brand. The main make-up artist got ill and they needed urgent replacement. That’s how I got my first make-up job, without even looking for it but by simply sharing that I did a course.
