In the past few years Bulgaria has become an attractive destination for a lot of foreigners to live and work there. A lot of international companies open offices in Bulgaria and create thousands of new job vacancies


Sofia Business Park

in the IT, financial and other sectors. There are so many job offers and such a big competition between the companies, that it gets really complicated for the Human Resources Specialists to find the right candidates.

Workiton met with one of the foreigners who lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria. His name is Eddie Varela. He is from Portugal. We wanted to find out what made him leave the more developed Western Europe and move to Bulgaria.

Eddie told us that it is really easy for foreigners to find a job in Bulgaria. Their big advantage is the language. There is a big demand for people speaking various languages to occupy support and sales positions. Foreigners are hired even if they do not have higher education. The most specific the language they dominate is, the most valuable they are. The salaries vary between 600 euro for the most popular languages like spanish and italian, to 1500 euros for rare languages like dutch. These numbers might not seem to be high according west Europe standards, but with a salary of around 1000 euro you can have a pretty good lifestyle in Bulgaria. The great balance between salary and life cost is another of the advantages of living and working in Bulgaria.


Central Area in Sofia

We asked Eddie if he has been treated differently at work due to the fact he is foreigner. He told us he hasn’t noticed any special attitude towards him neither positive or negative. He has the same opportunities and obligations as his Bulgarian colleagues. In general, he is really happy to be in Bulgaria. Eddie finds Bulgarians to be open-minded and friendly people. The only difficulty is learning the local language since it is quite complicated and different than Portuguese. However, not knowing Bulgarian is not a big issue because most of the Bulgarians speak decent English. Most of the job offers are published in English. Apart from it, Sofia has become quite international city. If you walk in the central area, you will hear so many different languages spoken and you will meet people from all around the world.

Being a foreigner in Bulgaria doesn’t mean you will find job only in a call center. There is a huge demand for developers, QAs, ERP and CRM specialists. For skilled and experienced candidates the job offers could be really attractive. If you are interested in checking open job positions in Bulgaria, you can follow the links below or send your CV to with your job preferences.

Apart from jobseekers, Bulgaria is also attractive to entrepreneurs. Taxes in Bulgaria are really low that makes the country a good choice to register a company. It is a common Bulgarians to find something innovative during their travels abroad and later implement it in Bulgaria starting their own successful business.

To resume, Bulgaria is a great place to live and work if you are interested in career in IT industry. You can find thousands of jobs in the capital Sofia. You can find job in other cities as well but the salaries there are not that high and the career options are not that diverse as in Sofia.

For further consultations about relocation to Bulgaria you can reserve a private consultation or ask a question.