Thinking about a job change? Money is still the key factor when evaluating a job offer. Nevertheless, if not coupled with other, non-monetary incentives, its motivating effects are short-lived. Here a few more things to consider when choosing between jobs. ...
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How to Progress in Your Digital Marketing Career
David Webb
The best thing about a career in digital marketing is the fact that it has friendly entry-level requirements and unlimited potential for growth. As time goes by, you’ll become more skilled at what you do, the industry itself will become ...
Struggling to start business on tight budget? Here are some tips!
Prince Kapoor
Very often it is believed that a lot of capital is required to get a business moving. But here is the news, “you do not require a fortune to start your dream project. A lot can be achieved within a ...
Checklist for Starting a Home-Based Business
Emma Worden
Advancements in technology, especially communication technology, have made it much easier for an average person to start a company. At this point, a home-based business can be started by almost anyone with a good idea and a willingness to work ...
How to Clean a Cluttered Website
Louis Martin
Cleaning up a website is a great way to give your site a fresh and updated look. Showing businesses’ credibility and professionalism in the eye of your potential customers is what every marketer opt for which is not possible if ...
The Most Important Steps in Starting a New Business
Emma Worden
The very beginning of every business is an idea – However, if ideas were profitable on their own, everyone would be a millionaire. The threshold that comes after you’ve had an idea is hard to endure (even impossible for some), ...
Is Remote Work Closing The Gender Pay Gap?
Claire Cooper
We’ve made good progress toward workplace equality over the past few years. Yet we need to pick up the pace! If we keep going as we are right now, we won’t get rid of the gender pay gap until 2152
What is it like to be a Lecturer at University?
We interviewed Mincho Minev who delivers lectures at the University of Economics in Varna to find out more about what it is like to be a University Lecturer.
How to Promote Health and Wellness in your Organization
Darsana Dutta
In the past few years, there has been an increasing focus on the topic of work-related stress and the negative impact it has on the physical and mental health of the employees. Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 40% of ...
What is it like to work in Sales?
When we think of what it’s like to work in sales, the first thing that comes to mind is persuasion. Although it is not an easy job, companies tend to hire people without any work experience and provide on-the-job-training.